Tag: Rahiem Shabazz

Necessary Blackness Ep: 151 -No More Lies! ‘Truth Be Told’ with SharBates

Two truth-tellers, @iamsharbates & @rahiemshabazz sat down to discuss the structural and systematic injustice Black America face today. We also took an uninhibited look at police killings of unarmed black folks.

Necessary Blackness Ep: 150 -No More Lies! ‘Truth Be Told’ with ZeZe

Necessary Blackness Podcast will be interviewing ZeZe of A2Z TV about the rise of Foundational Black American and the need for Reparations.

Radical Hope In The 21st Century

It is with immense gratitude I express appreciation for your support. Many of you have supported me since the release of the 3-part doc-u-series, “Elementary Genocide”. I, look forward to the continuous support with the release of the forthcoming book, “Radical Hope In The 21st Century”.

In honor for #Arutisuse (Arise) a new Holiday for Foundational Black American (FBA) Culture I will be releasing an excerpt of the forthcoming book, Radical Hope in The 21st Century. Download for FREE!!!

***This is complimentary so make sure you put Zero in the field where it says “name a fair price”.***


Necessary Blackness Ep: 149 – Free Ozone

Necessary Blackness speaks with Brother Ken Chairman and Attorney for People’s Legal Aid Project about the upcoming trial of Otha Wallace who is facing capital murder for defending himself from law enforcement. It’ very important we get behind the campaign to save brother Otha’s life. We know the system is corrupt and there are numerous incidents where innocent men are convicted and then sentenced to death.

When we look at Race and Capital Punishment, Blacks make up 42% of those of Death Row. The number of Black defendants executed for killing a white victim remains the highest percentage our of all racial combinations. So we know there is racist practices and this is systemic problem.

If you’re unable to contribute, please spread the word with via twitter, instagram or facebook.

Necessary Blackness Ep 145- ZaZa Ali Talks Science As A Weapon

Warrior Scholar ZaZa Ali stopped by Necessary Blackness while in Atlanta to discuss, Science as a Weapon, Natural vs Synthetic and how spiritual warfare is being played out in our music and all throughout social media.

Necessary Blackness Ep: 144- All Love Branding

Necessary Blackness Podcast interview, Love of All Love Kauai where she enlighten us about the teachings of Maseru Emote (江本 勝, and how human consciousness could affect the molecular structure of water. The belief that words contains emotional energies and vibrations became the impetus for starting a clothing line with a positive affirmation. coupled with the teaching of Emote. Listen as Love takes us on her journey as an entrepreneur and how the healing powers of water plays an important part of her life.

To watch the video…. Subscribe to Necessary Blackness YouTube channel

Necessary Blackness EP 143- Red Pill Talks Facts Initiative & MART 125

Red Pill sat down with Necessary Blackness to talk about how MART 125 coincided with the golden era of “Hip-Hop” as it was evolving rapidly and how it was commodified as a lifestyle. He also discuses the Facts Initiative and what’s next for the Twin Pillars. Many don’t know the long and fought history of MART 125 in Harlem and how it was the epic center of Black consciousness shaped by hip-hop music. Red Pill breaks it down in this video.

Necessary Blackness EP: 142- Monetizing Gentrification & Building Black Ownership

Today, we interviewed TJ Loftin to the nuisance abatement laws in Atlanta and Los Angelos, which is nothing more than a gentrification strategy hidden under a different name. We also talked about what true Black ownership looks like.

The Meaning of Black August & Why Its an Annual Commemoration

During the month of #blackaugust we expresses solidarity Black political prisoners and prisoners of war. It’s supposed to be a month of sacrifice and self-discipline. From the outset it was aimed at strengthening the Black freedom struggle, within and beyond the walls of prisons. It’s a commemoration, not a celebration. #BlackAugust #PoliticalPrisoners #GeorgeJackson #JonathanJackson #mumia

Necessary Blackness Ep:141 – The Fight For Food Sovereignty

Our guest Omowale Afrika will talk about the need for food sovereignty and why this is of paramount concern and how you can join the movement. We also discussed the divide in the 60’s and 70’s between the Civil Rights Movement & The Freedom Fighters. He also discuss the importance of Baba Hannibal Afrik’s work and why it must be introduced to the current generation and to involve them in the fight.

In 1911, Black owned 16 million acres of land, as of 2017, we lost 90% which leaves us with 4.5 million acres. That represents 1/2 of 1% of all the available farm land in the country. By May off 2022, the value of land Blacks lost is $326 Billion.

To view video interview subscribe to Necessary Blackness Podcast Page on YOUTUBE

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