Category: Lecture

Necessary Blackness Ep: 155 W/ Kristin Henning: How America Criminalizes Black Youth

Kristin Henning, an author and advocate for children, joins Rahiem Shabazz in a discussion about her latest book, “The Rage of Innocence: How America Criminalizes Black Youth.” During their conversation, Kristin sheds light on America’s irrational and unfounded fear of Black youth, which has led to a long history of unjust arrests and wrongful convictions of Black individuals in the country. Shabazz delves into the stories of some of the most infamous cases, including the Scottsboro Boys, Emmett Till, and the Central Park Five. Listeners are encouraged to tune in with an attentive ear to gain a deeper understanding of this important issue.

Kimberly Latrice Jones: The Contract Is Broken


The young social justice warriors are amplifying their voices while demanding justice against rogue police officers and their executive shields that isolate them from being charged in the killing of unarmed citizens.

The case of Jamarion Robinson is one of many elected officials, prosecutors, and law enforcement is trying to sweep under the rug. Jamarion Robinson was shot at over 100 times and 76 bullets hit his body by US Marshals on August 5, 2016. We now know that his hands were up due to injuries that he sustained. He had 20 plus bullets in the back, someone stood over him and fired directly into him while he was down. DA Paul Howard’s office has been working on the case since his death. The US Marshals refused to talk. Best selling author and community activist Kimberly Jones speaks on how our contract with America is broken and why we must continue to fight against a system seeking to oppress and imprison us.


Mardasha’s Life Journey To Becoming A 6 Figure Chick


This video spotlight Mardasha McMillan’s entrepreneurial spirit and her quest to empower Black Women. She speaks about the trials and tribulations she endured as a single mother, as well as the past mistakes she was able to overcome and key points to being an entrepreneur.





Necessary Blackness Ep:78 Cory Booker: The Rising Star of the Democratic Party?

Necessary Blackness Podcast Ep:78

Cory Booker is the 4th Democratic Senator and 2nd Black candidate to enter the presidential race. The 49-year-old Booker is known for being a city councilor and then Mayor of Newark, N.J. before heading to the Senate. As the Mayor of the city, he supported affordable housing and championed legislation to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline. He frequently speaks about reducing the racial wealth gap between blacks and whites.

But, the city of Newark was an emblem of poverty under his watch for 6 years. He is known to rub elbows with the wealthy and elites of society and many consider him a camera hog.

Necessary Blackness Podcast explores Corey’s history and ask the pertinent questions on whether he will deliver the tangibles for Black America in 2020. Listen and leave us a comment on your thoughts


One of the greatest threats to the security of Black and Brown children is the growing prison industrial complex.



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Necessary Blackness Ep. 68- From The Prison Yard To Harvard Yard with Andre Norman

Necessary Blackness Podcast sits dowin with Andre Norman, who is known to many as The Ambassador Of Hope, Andre’s experience and expertise is what empowers him to help people turn their situation around. Andre travels around the world to serve as a mentor and listening ear for so many in need. He has made an impact working in the countries of Honduras, Bahamas, Sweden, Guatemala, Liberia & Trinidad. With inclusion being the center of his solution based efforts.

From illiteracy to gang activity, Andre’s childhood prepared him for nothing less than a life of crime and violence. This behavior eventually led Andre to be sentenced to over 100 years in prison. A natural-born leader, he quickly rose to the top of the prison gang where he managed gang activities from within the confines of a maximum security prison. During his 2 year stay in solitary confinement. Andre had an “epiphany” and he made the decision to turn his life around. He had a simple dream, attend Harvard University and become successful.



Necessary Blackness Ep: 67 Tracey D. Syphax Talks Criminal Reform, Investment, Re-Entry & Million Dollar Game

Necessary Blackness Podcast sits down with Tracey D. Syphax who is an award-winning journalist, entrepreneur and activist to talk about criminal reform, re-entry, investment and how to tap into the million dollar game. Mr. Syphax talks about why he felt the need to develop a culturally responsive course to help returning citizens to become an entrepreneur. He delves deep into his past to explain past mistakes and the lessons learned to help propel him into millionaire status, and how he came from the “Block To The Boardroom”.

Learn & Peep The Game!!!!

Necessary Blackness Ep.55: Dr. Obari Discuss Mental Health Stigma, Black Manhood & Dynamics of Relationship

Necessary Blacks Podcast got a chance to catch up with Dr. Obari to discuss the stigma of Mental Health in the Black Community. We discuss how to understand and cope with a love one who is facing these conditions. The image of being strong disinclines people from showing vulnerability, which impedes the process to get the necessary help. Plus, the inherent distrust due to medical racism and inequality in care when it comes to Black folks. Dr. Obari also talks about his book, “Lady’s Man: Conversation For Young Black Men About Manhood & Relationships.

Dr. Obari will be at the Shrine of The Black Madonna tonight 4/24 at 6pm to discuss “Teaching Young Black Men To Value Women”


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Atlanta Film Screening & Community Dialogue – Elementary Genocide 3: Academic Holocaust

Elementary Genocide, Rahiem Shabazz

Elementary Genocide III: Academic Holocaust
Community Dialogue and Film Screening
Saturday, January 27. 3:00 p.m.
The Auburn Avenue Research Library in collaboration with Rasha Entertainment Inc., will host a screening of Elementary Genocide III: Academic Holocaust. The latest installment of the Elementary Genocide series, produced by journalist and filmmaker Rahiem Shabazz. This powerful documentary continues to examine the “school-to-prison pipeline,” the systematic intersection of draconian school disciplinary strategies and law enforcement policies that funnel African American children out of public schools and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. This event will include a post-screening dialogue with filmmaker Rahiem Shabazz.

This event is free and open to the public at 101 Auburn Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30303.

Necessary Blackness Podcast Ep. 12



In the latest episode of Necessary Blackness Podcast Episode 12, Rahiem Shabazz talks about the missing girls crisis happening in Washington, D.C. and the lack of coverage from mainstream media. Shabazz, also gives his opinion on Donald Trump’s intentional interference with contractual relations between the NFL and Colin Kaepernick and why we must support Kaepernick. The situation with Wclef being detained and handcuffed by LAPD is also discussed.

Please be sure to check out our archives on Itunes, Google Play, PodOMatic, Iheart etc. If you’re interested in being featured on our broadcast or having your commercial air, you can email us at

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