Category: WTF

Necessary Blackness Ep: 59 Kim Kardashian Uses Her Privilege of Whiteness To Attack Rapper RhymeFest

In this episode of Necessary Blackness Podcast, we talk with journalist, radio personality and host of Civil Rights & Civil Wrong, Marcia Leavy about how Kim Kardashian uses her privilege of whiteness to attack Rapper Rhymefest, while attempting to attach herself to Black Culture. The situation concerning Roseanne Barr referring to the former senior advisor of former president Barak Obama to ‘Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes”.



3 Black Actresses Arrested And Assaulted For Using Bathroom At Houston’s, T.I. Calls For Boycott

Houston Restaurant in Atlanta is in the news again, but this time it’s for engaging in racist treatment and physical assault after a police officer dragged three black actresses out of the restroom, through the restaurant and thrown outside in the bushes. Atlanta’s rapper and activist, T.I. has called for a boycott of the restaurant chain in response to the incident that landed the women in jail with one of them suffering injuries including a black eye. Brittany Marie Lucio, Asia’h Sharrell Epperson (American Idol, Greenleaf) and Erica Walker say they were assaulted by an Atlanta police officer, Jay Guzman, who moonlights as a security guard at the restaurant. The ladies reportedly entered the restaurant after it was closed to use the bathroom. The officer admits he grabbed Lucio by the wrist and tried to “lead” her out the back door, but the video footage paints a much more violent picture of the ladies being man-handled and their attorney insists the officer threw them into the bushes.


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Necessary Blackness Ep. 56 – America’s Favorite Dad vs America’s Favorite Rapist

In this episode of Necessary Blackness Podcast, we discuss the guilty verdict of Bill Cosby and how the guilty verdict is more about dismantling his legacy then it is about the rape charges. The Bill Cosby verdict is warfare by legal means. Cosby had money, but he didn’t have power. White supremacy has arbitrary power to disregard the law, Cosby became a victim of that law. This is not to say Cosby is not guilty of rape or to disregard victims of sexual assault, it’s more about how the system works.

Necessary Blackness Podcast Ep: 50 – Land or Death

Rahiem Shabazz, Land Or Death, Necessary Blackness Podcast


In this episode of Necessary Blackness Podcast, we talk about White South Africans relinquishing the land to its rightful owners without any compensation and why an important move such as this signifies the dawn of a new day in terms of freedom for Black Africans.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “it’s our enemies desire to keep pour eyes in the sky and to control the land under our feet”.

In the 2nd half of the podcast, we speak about White Nationalist teacher Tiana Dalichov and how she teaches racism and white supremacy to her students and how she went undetected until her podcast was discovered.

My guest this week is Shannon, who just returned from South Africa.

Necessary Blackness Podcast Ep. 41: Meek Mill Probation Violation… Loving Our Son & Raising Our Daughters

Necessary Blackness Podcast returns with the ‘Fitted Hat Philosopher’ Rahiem Shabazz and special guest Ebone Gee to talk about the injustice handed down to Meek Mill, whether we are loving our sons and raising our daughter and much more.

Necessary Blackness Ep. 32 – Tribute To Dick Gregory #RIP

This episode of Necessary Blackness Podcast is a tribute to our beloved brother Dick Gregory, who made his transition and now is in the spiritual realm with the ancestors.

Dick Gregory, the legendary comedian and civil rights icon rose to fame in the 1960s, and devoted his entire life to protesting injustice against Blacks. He was considered a threat for his staunch stance against segregation and became a target of the FBI.He died on Saturday in Washington, D.C. at the age of 84


Necessary Blackness Ep. 20 Black Power or Gun Powder


In this episode, we discuss the recent killings of Black men by white racist supremacist who are encourage by the current administration occupying the White House. From the killing of Tamir Rice, to the race soldier execution of unarmed Black men in the streets.

Necessary Blackness Podcast Ep. 11

This week on Necessary Blackness Podcast, Rahiem Shabazz talks about Ben Carson likened slaves to immigrants during a staff speech. He also pays tribute to Radical Civil Rights Lawyer, Lynne Stewart who died at the age of 77.

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A High School Teacher Allegedly Told A Student To “Lick Me Where I Fart”


There should never be a debate on whether education should come from the teachers, parents or stake holders in the community in which the students reside. It defies logic to not push for true nationhood and complete sovereignty from America’s racist institution.

Children do not learn from those they don’t like. After the following disparaging remarks were made by High School English teacher in Ontario, Canada, there was cause for concern to how systematic racism is pertinent throughout America.

Ontario College of Teachers, Jennifer Elizabeth Green-Johnson, who teaches grades 10 through 12 at at Dunnville Secondary School, has also been accused of calling a student a “bloody pedophile,” and allegedly said another “looked like a frumpy old lady today.”

Green-Johnson also allegedly said, “Get that fucking thing out of here” to a student who brought in coffee; told a student, “I have never said this to a student before but fuck you;” and said, “It’s debate, not masturbate” to the class, all within the 2015-2016 school year.

Green-Johnson was suspended for a month without pay last January for professional misconduct, in part because she saw one male student jump on another’s back and responded, “So, you like it from behind?”

There will be a hearing to determine if Green-Johnson is guilty of the charges on September 23.

Green-Johnson did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

An immediate firing in the only solution and remedy the lack of compassion and professionalism for tomorrow’s bright mind of the future. We will follow this case closely to see the out come and push for the termination of a teacher who is not worthy, to reach in the community, occupied my Melanoid people. If Green-Johnson can no longer get her pupils to lick her where she farts, she’ll probably have better luck in finding out how to pleasure herself on lovegasm’s blog.

Earn the solution to the problem in Elementary Genocide 1 & Elementary Genocide 2


Family Sues After 7-Year-Old Gets Handcuffed At School For Crying


Kaylb with his mother, Tomesha Primm

What is taking place in the educational system in America is symbolic to the wrenching condition and racist views of society. For as far back as we can remember, education was used as a weapon of oppression to subjugate Blacks. The racial educational barriers erected by systemic racism, is alive and well today in 2016. So, it does not surprise me to read about a 7-year old being handcuffed at school for merely crying.

Kaylb Wiley Primm, a second grader attends a public school in Kansas City. He is only 7 years old, less than 4 feet tall and weighs less than 50 pounds, but the police officer considered him a threat to his and others safety.


The incident began when a school-based police officer happened to walk by Kaylb’s classroom and hear him crying and disrupting other students, according to a lawsuit filed last week by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of Kaylb’s family. When Kaylb continued to cry and yell in the hallway, against the officer’s requests, the officer put the child in handcuffs and brought him to the main office, where he sat until a parent arrived.

There is a growing movement of concern parents who are opting out of sending their children to the public school system and are deciding to home school. This is one of many solutions that is discussed in the award winning documentary Elementary Genocide. If you haven’t viewed it… Get your copy today.


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