Houston Restaurant in Atlanta is in the news again, but this time it’s for engaging in racist treatment and physical assault after a police officer dragged three black actresses out of the restroom, through the restaurant and thrown outside in the bushes. Atlanta’s rapper and activist, T.I. has called for a boycott of the restaurant chain in response to the incident that landed the women in jail with one of them suffering injuries including a black eye. Brittany Marie Lucio, Asia’h Sharrell Epperson (American Idol, Greenleaf) and Erica Walker say they were assaulted by an Atlanta police officer, Jay Guzman, who moonlights as a security guard at the restaurant. The ladies reportedly entered the restaurant after it was closed to use the bathroom. The officer admits he grabbed Lucio by the wrist and tried to “lead” her out the back door, but the video footage paints a much more violent picture of the ladies being man-handled and their attorney insists the officer threw them into the bushes.