Category: Podcast

Necessary Blackness Ep: 155 W/ Kristin Henning: How America Criminalizes Black Youth

Kristin Henning, an author and advocate for children, joins Rahiem Shabazz in a discussion about her latest book, “The Rage of Innocence: How America Criminalizes Black Youth.” During their conversation, Kristin sheds light on America’s irrational and unfounded fear of Black youth, which has led to a long history of unjust arrests and wrongful convictions of Black individuals in the country. Shabazz delves into the stories of some of the most infamous cases, including the Scottsboro Boys, Emmett Till, and the Central Park Five. Listeners are encouraged to tune in with an attentive ear to gain a deeper understanding of this important issue.

Necessary Blackness Ep:153: 1 on 1 with Director Amadeuz Christ

In the latest episode of Necessary Blackness, Rahiem Shabazz sits down with film director, Amadeuz Christ, to discuss his documentary, “Out of Darkness,” which examines the untold history of African people and the African cultural contribution to the nations of the world. In his latest documentary, “Heavy Is The Crown” explores the African origins of the world’s major religions by examining the “original mythological story” that has served as the basis for spiritual systems across the planet, and arguably even the concept of the “western drama” itself

Necessary Blackness Ep 145- ZaZa Ali Talks Science As A Weapon

Warrior Scholar ZaZa Ali stopped by Necessary Blackness while in Atlanta to discuss, Science as a Weapon, Natural vs Synthetic and how spiritual warfare is being played out in our music and all throughout social media.

Necessary Blackness Ep: 144- All Love Branding

Necessary Blackness Podcast interview, Love of All Love Kauai where she enlighten us about the teachings of Maseru Emote (江本 勝, and how human consciousness could affect the molecular structure of water. The belief that words contains emotional energies and vibrations became the impetus for starting a clothing line with a positive affirmation. coupled with the teaching of Emote. Listen as Love takes us on her journey as an entrepreneur and how the healing powers of water plays an important part of her life.

To watch the video…. Subscribe to Necessary Blackness YouTube channel

Necessary Blackness EP 143- Red Pill Talks Facts Initiative & MART 125

Red Pill sat down with Necessary Blackness to talk about how MART 125 coincided with the golden era of “Hip-Hop” as it was evolving rapidly and how it was commodified as a lifestyle. He also discuses the Facts Initiative and what’s next for the Twin Pillars. Many don’t know the long and fought history of MART 125 in Harlem and how it was the epic center of Black consciousness shaped by hip-hop music. Red Pill breaks it down in this video.

The Meaning of Black August & Why Its an Annual Commemoration

During the month of #blackaugust we expresses solidarity Black political prisoners and prisoners of war. It’s supposed to be a month of sacrifice and self-discipline. From the outset it was aimed at strengthening the Black freedom struggle, within and beyond the walls of prisons. It’s a commemoration, not a celebration. #BlackAugust #PoliticalPrisoners #GeorgeJackson #JonathanJackson #mumia

Necessary Blackness Ep: 134 The Truth About Patrisse Cullors & #BlackLiveMatter​ Movement

In 2014, the first dollar raised was a GoFundMe using the picture of Shá Dixon at an action of civil disobedience. This picture helps the District Attorney, harass, target, and arrest Ms. Dixon. During her trial, BLM never assisted her, paid for lawyers, etc after using her picture illegally. Sha’ Dixon gives us a sneak peek into the earlier workings of the Black Lives Matter Movement and discusses in detail her departure.

Necessary Blackness Ep: 133 Interview w/ Maria Lloyd

Necessary Blackness sat down with seasoned copywriter Maria Lloyd to discuss her latest book, Words Are Wealth: A Beginner’s Guide To Writing Profitable Copy For Email Marketing & Facebook Ads. Whether its Email Marketing or CRM Marketing Automation, Maria helps to make it simple.  Her copywriting firm, Management 24, has taken clients from zero to an estimated seven-figures since 2015.

Interested in purchasing your copy:

Necessary Blackness Ep: 131 The Curse of Gospel

Necessary Blackness got a chance to sit down with Crumb of CrumbTV to discuss the origin of Negro Spirituals and how the Gospel (God-Spell), which is traditionally rooted in the church will alienate a musician once they start singing secular music. Crumb goes deep into the lives of Sam Cooke, who shook the gospel world to its roots and how his tragic death could be related to his secular music career. Ray Charles, Bobby Womack, Marvin Gaye and others are discussed in this deep and informative podcast.

Necessary Blackness Ep: 129 Decolonizing Your Love

Necessary Blackness Podcast conducted an exclusive interview with Nwasha and Montsho Edu, who specialize in culturally-based counseling for couples and singles. Nwasha and Montsho guide couples and singles through the Sacred Science of SoulMating and is the co-creator of a cultural alternative to Valentine’s Day, called Akoma Day, currently celebrated in 14 countries.

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