Tag: Criminal Justice Reformer

Kamala Harris: Criminal Justice Reformer or Defender of the Status Quo

After announcing her presidency for the United States, Kamala Harris is being questioned on her past record on mass incarceration as San Francisco’s district attorney and then as California’s attorney general. Most of her policies affected Black Americans and now she has to answer for her punitive-law-and order mentality. Those who experienced her wrath first hand are implying she is not the criminal justice reformer Black America is looking for. The criticism she received thus far on her policies are warranted and must be answered.

But, more importantly she has not specifically stated, what she will do for Black America. No longer is the Black vote to be taken for granted, we are asking for tangibles in 2020

Necessary Blackness Podcast explores Kamala Harris’ record on mass incarceration and the hyper-criminalization of Black men and her voting record while Senator. #Tangibles2020