Rahiem Shabazz

Author's posts

Filmmaker Rahiem Shabazz Live On 102.3 FM (Chicago)


CATCH ME ON: Real Talk with Debra Rose
WYCA Rejoice 102.3 FM, Chicago, Il
Thurs., Oct. 29, 2015 at 11am – 11:15am est

If you’re outside of Chicago you can stream live www.wyca1023.com

“Black Wealth Matters Forum” with Dr. Boyce Watkins, Michael Imhotep and Ryan Mack

12122594_10153162394473365_6727674282870255275_n#BlackWealthMatters Forum with Dr. Boyce Watkins of Your Black World, Michael Imhotep founder of The African History Network and host of “The Michael Imhotep Show”, Financial Expert Ryan Mack and a panel of experts.

Watch Video Below

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Elementary Genocide Snags Best Documentary At PVIFF

PVIFF-Winners-2015We would like to thank the Peachtree Village International Film Festival for awarding Elementary Genocide with the “Best Documentary” Award. Seldom, do films highlighting social issues receive recognition for its global impact. PVIFF recognition further validates the importance of films like Elementary Genocide and social message independent filmmakers put forth with little to no resources.


Elementary Genocide Gets Nomination At Film Festival


The Award Winning Documentary “Elementary Genocide: The School To Prison Pipeline is up for AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD & BEST DOCUMENTARY at the Peachtree Village International Film Festival

WHERE: W-Hotel (Downtown Atlanta)
45 Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd Atlanta, GA 30308
WHEN: Saturday, September 19th, 2015 @ 1 PM

Tickets Are Available At : https://squareup.com/m…/gipp-museums-inc/elementary-genocide

Rahiem Shabazz & Dr. Khalilah Ali On Day 1 Radio

Day 1-Radio

Rahiem Shabazz and Dr. Khalilah Ali stops in at Day 1 Radio to talk about the ramifications of Brown vs The Board of Education and if it did more harm than good.


Rahiem Shabazz on WRFG 89.3 FM



Director Rahiem Shabazz stops in at WFRG 89.3 FM to discuss the latest installment of the documentary series, “Elementary Genocide 2: The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration.


The documentary is available in DVD format as well as streaming to all mobile devices.


Elementary Genocide 2 Streaming To All Mobile Devices


Stream To All Mobile Devices

 ::Exclusive Bonus Footage::

You can now stream Elementary Genocide 2: “The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration“, on any mobile device.

Rahiem Shabazz continues the conscience-raising dialogue generated by his acclaimed documentary Elementary Genocide: The School To Prison Pipeline with his equally hard-hitting Elementary Genocide 2: The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration. Featuring interviews with noted educator and Black psychologist Dr. Umar Johnson, Chief Juvenile Court Judge Steven C. Teske, fearless former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, former political prisoner and Black Liberation Army co-founder Dhoruba bin Wahad, popular social commentator Dr. Boyce Watkins, award-winning education reformer Dr. Steve Perry, White House champion of Change Winner & Author Tracey D. Syphax and more, The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration uncovers the true purpose of today’s educational system and how it’s failing the African child. Going beyond the school-to-prison pipeline headlines and conspiracy theories, The Board of Education Vs. The Board of Incarceration proves that something sinister is afloat by digging deep to explore its origin, its existence and how to plot its destruction to save every Black child.




*Mobile Purchasers Receive A Bonus Clip***

Support National Re-Entry Month

Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.

Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.

Dear Community Servants, Supporters & Activists,
TIIAI/Gateway to Re-Entry and a host of Re-Entry organizations from across the country have banded together to change the narrative on Re-Entry. Our simultaneous kick-off events are on June 6, 2015.  Every organization is requesting from their perspective city a Proclamation declaring June as Re-Entry Month. The events include a rally, vendors, resources, presentations and connecting Re-Entry individuals to the larger community.
 The following are the 5 focus points for Re-Entry
1.      Returning Citizens have full rights as afforded to all citizens
2.      Re-Entry Programs fully funded  to maintain and create resources
3.      Re-Entry is a “movement” – one unit – working as one – Voting Block
4.      A Re-Entry liaison from the community in the offices of the decision makers
5.      Re-Entry participants receiving consistent support from the Mayors, Senators, Media & Community Activists
The Re-Entry Mission – to provide tools for individuals to develop good decision-making skills.
The Re-Entry Vision – is to reduce the rate of recidivism.
The following are events for Re-Entry month…
Job Fair – Resource Day
Expungement Clinic
Education Day – GED/ College
Entrepreneur Seminar Day
Family Gathering – Cookout Day
Voter Registration Day
Political Action Day
Community Clean-Up Day
Citywide March

Anyone interested in being a part of this historical event, providing resources or wish to learn more, please contact Rahiem Shabazz via email at Rahiem.Shabazz@Gmail.com



The Failure of Black Leadership and Black Organizations in the 21st Century


Jalani Yusef Imhotep Kadesh

“In the Age of Information Ignorance is a Choice”. This for the most part sums up what I am about to say about the State of Black People Worldwide. We live in a time where you can store, access and retrieve more information in a device that can fit in your pocket that would have taken up entire buildings just 30 years ago. We live in a World where Technological Advances and Breakthru’s are happening everyday in the fields of Science, Energy, Transportation, etc… Companies like Google, Facebook, Apple and Twitter constantly pushing the envelope in the area’s of Social Media, Marketing and Business. Scientist now have the ability to replicate your memories and by the year 2030 they will be able to download your consciousness on a computer chip at the point of death. Sounds familiar if you have seen The Matrix, Lucy, Surrogate or Transcendence. New Billionaires are rising up all around the World yet in Black Communities Worldwide we face the same if not worst situations than ever before. Black Power and Civil Rights Leaders and Organizations have not kept pace with a ever evolving Political and Economic Landscape.

In a time where we have the First Black President the Black Agenda has been pushed back a hundred years in favor of Gay Rights. Black Churches have become all but irrelevant to the Black cause. Instead of asking 65 million dollars to build a bank, credit union or school, Churches and Pastors asking for a Private Jet. The Black Church has collected some 400 plus Billion Dollars in the last 30 years but there exist no viable black bank, black school or black anything for that matter. Black unemployment is at a all-time high. We provide free labor for the Prison Industrial Complex. The gap between the Black Upper Class and Middle to Lower Class is at unprecedented numbers. Rappers, Athlete’s and Entertainers could care less about a Black Agenda in the wake of more Black Men and Boys being murdered by Police all over the Country.

We have been duped by Black Leaders, Organizations and Churches into keeping the Faith, going to School and Working Hard is still the way to Progress and Success, while a teenage Bill Gates created Microsoft, a teenage Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook, a teenage Steven Jobs created Apple, etc… Black employment at Google, Microsoft and Facebook is less than 1% and only 7% at Apple. In the Age of Information you get Paid for using your Mind not your Hands. While every other Ethnicity is closing Ranks and bonding Together, Africans Worldwide are becoming more Divided. Brother Malcolm said it best 50 years ago. When we come together leave your Religion, Fraternal and Class Affiliation at home and focus on the one thing we have in common and that is we are Black. In every Community, in every State, in every Nation we must Develop, Build and Maintain a Black Agenda. We must Develop and Build Think Tanks and Investment Clubs. We must Think Black, Buy Black and Be Black for the sake of the present Generation and Generations to come. If we don’t we will be but a Memory.


Until Next Time We Meet

Jalani Yusef Imhotep Kadesh




Dr. Umar Johnson Talks ‘Elementary Genocide 2’

Shabazz-Dr-UmarDr. Umar Johnson endorses the highly anticipated follow-up documentary, “Elementary Genocide 2: The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration. The hard-hitting message explores the problem and solutions to our current situation.

The documentary is the centerpiece of a comprehensive, cross-platform engagement campaign aimed at engaging parents, youth and educators to come together to advocate for the academic success of young men and woman. The film and campaign have the potential to spur a new kind of dialogue and action around the subtle factors that affect the success of African-American students of color.


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