Category: Prison

Rahiem Shabazz & Dr. Khalilah Ali On Day 1 Radio

Day 1-Radio

Rahiem Shabazz and Dr. Khalilah Ali stops in at Day 1 Radio to talk about the ramifications of Brown vs The Board of Education and if it did more harm than good.


Rahiem Shabazz on WRFG 89.3 FM



Director Rahiem Shabazz stops in at WFRG 89.3 FM to discuss the latest installment of the documentary series, “Elementary Genocide 2: The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration.


The documentary is available in DVD format as well as streaming to all mobile devices.

Elementary Genocide 2 Streaming To All Mobile Devices


Stream To All Mobile Devices

 ::Exclusive Bonus Footage::

You can now stream Elementary Genocide 2: “The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration“, on any mobile device.

Rahiem Shabazz continues the conscience-raising dialogue generated by his acclaimed documentary Elementary Genocide: The School To Prison Pipeline with his equally hard-hitting Elementary Genocide 2: The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration. Featuring interviews with noted educator and Black psychologist Dr. Umar Johnson, Chief Juvenile Court Judge Steven C. Teske, fearless former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, former political prisoner and Black Liberation Army co-founder Dhoruba bin Wahad, popular social commentator Dr. Boyce Watkins, award-winning education reformer Dr. Steve Perry, White House champion of Change Winner & Author Tracey D. Syphax and more, The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration uncovers the true purpose of today’s educational system and how it’s failing the African child. Going beyond the school-to-prison pipeline headlines and conspiracy theories, The Board of Education Vs. The Board of Incarceration proves that something sinister is afloat by digging deep to explore its origin, its existence and how to plot its destruction to save every Black child.




*Mobile Purchasers Receive A Bonus Clip***

Support National Re-Entry Month

Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.

Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.

Dear Community Servants, Supporters & Activists,
TIIAI/Gateway to Re-Entry and a host of Re-Entry organizations from across the country have banded together to change the narrative on Re-Entry. Our simultaneous kick-off events are on June 6, 2015.  Every organization is requesting from their perspective city a Proclamation declaring June as Re-Entry Month. The events include a rally, vendors, resources, presentations and connecting Re-Entry individuals to the larger community.
 The following are the 5 focus points for Re-Entry
1.      Returning Citizens have full rights as afforded to all citizens
2.      Re-Entry Programs fully funded  to maintain and create resources
3.      Re-Entry is a “movement” – one unit – working as one – Voting Block
4.      A Re-Entry liaison from the community in the offices of the decision makers
5.      Re-Entry participants receiving consistent support from the Mayors, Senators, Media & Community Activists
The Re-Entry Mission – to provide tools for individuals to develop good decision-making skills.
The Re-Entry Vision – is to reduce the rate of recidivism.
The following are events for Re-Entry month…
Job Fair – Resource Day
Expungement Clinic
Education Day – GED/ College
Entrepreneur Seminar Day
Family Gathering – Cookout Day
Voter Registration Day
Political Action Day
Community Clean-Up Day
Citywide March

Anyone interested in being a part of this historical event, providing resources or wish to learn more, please contact Rahiem Shabazz via email at



Dr. Umar Johnson Talks ‘Elementary Genocide 2’

Shabazz-Dr-UmarDr. Umar Johnson endorses the highly anticipated follow-up documentary, “Elementary Genocide 2: The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration. The hard-hitting message explores the problem and solutions to our current situation.

The documentary is the centerpiece of a comprehensive, cross-platform engagement campaign aimed at engaging parents, youth and educators to come together to advocate for the academic success of young men and woman. The film and campaign have the potential to spur a new kind of dialogue and action around the subtle factors that affect the success of African-American students of color.


Dr. Boyce Watkins: The Importance of Supporting Elementary Genocide 2

Boyce-EG-SouthAfricaThe People’s scholar Dr. Boyce Watkins explores the social and academic worlds of Black and Brown youths in the latest documentary, “Elementary Genocide 2: The Board of Education vs The Board of Incarceration“.

Dr. Watkins speaks on the importance of supporting Elementary Genocide 2 and why there is a need to have builders and not beggars.

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Elementary Genocide On Sale For $10.00 [LIMITED TIME ONLY]


“We are now offering Elementary Genocide from Nov. 25th – Dec. 25th at a 50% discount at $10 for each DVD. This offer is for A LIMITED TIME ONLY!!!

“Elementary Genocide” shatters the silence and directly challenges the notion that the Public Education system is not in dire need of repair. The Award Winning documentary, has been mentioned by the Obama Administration in a press release honoring the ‘Champion of Change’ honoree Tracey Syphax.

“We have shipped copies to every state throughout the mainland U.S. as well as Hawaii, Canada, London, and even a few countries in Africa.



Talib Kweli Talks Prison Industrial Complex & Slavery

Few rappers are bold enough to defy the norm and speak out about the social issues of our times. However, there are exceptions to the rule. During a concert in California, Jay-Z shouted out “California, build more schools, less prisons”, in support of Proposition 47.


The latest rapper to take a political stance against the prison industrial complex is no other than social conscious rapper Kweli.

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NYCLU Demands That NYPD Stop Handcuffing 5-Year-Olds


The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) is demanding sweeping changes to current discipline guidelines for the more than 5,000 school safety officers in New York City. The NYCLU has previously sued the NYPD for use of force against students and wrongful arrest, made the demands during a press conference Wednesday, stating that school discipline should be handles by educators, not the police.

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12 Major Corporations Benefiting from the Prison Industrial Complex

Prison labor in the United States is referred to as insourcing. Under the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), employers receive a tax credit of $2,400 for every work-release inmate they employ as a reward for hiring “risky target groups.”

The workers are not only cheap labor, but they are considered easier to control. They also?tend to be African-American males. Companies are free to avoid providing benefits like health insurance or sick days. They also don’t need to worry about unions, demands for vacation time, raises or family issues.

According to the Left Business Observer, “the federal prison industry produces 100 percent of all military helmets, war supplies and other equipment. The workers supply 98 percent of the entire market for equipment assembly services; 93 percent of paints and paintbrushes; 92 percent of stove assembly; 46 percent of body armor; 36 percent of home appliances; 30 percent of headphones/microphones/speakers; and 21 percent of office furniture. Airplane parts, medical supplies and much more: prisoners are even raising seeing-eye dogs for blind people.”

With all of that productivity, the inmates make about 90 cents to $4 a day.

Here are some of the biggest corporations to use such practices, but there are hundreds more: Continue reading

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