Tag: Colin Kaepernick

Necessary Blackness Ep: 96 – Colin Kaepernick: Race, Class & Power In America

In this episode of Necessary Blackness Podcast, Rahiem Shabazz speaks about why the bourgeoise elite is not the voice for Black America and why it’s important to call out Stephen A. Smith for his criticism and condemnation of Colin Kaepernick. We have to ask ourselves, why would Stephen A. Smith a prominent Black Man in Sport’s Media talk so harshly about Colin Kaepernick and do everything to undermine his efforts? What is he to gain? Anytime you encounter a Blackman who defends the white power structure with such passion and vigor, you need to watch them.



Necessary Blackness Ep: 91 – Is Jay-Z Partnership With The NFL Disingenuous?

Not too many people were pleased when Jay-Z announced he will form a partnership with the National Football League to deliver social justice entertainment programming, despite the NFL not signing Colin Kaepernick for protesting the national anthem and kneeling during the ceremony.

Necessary Blackness Podcast looks at the opposing views and discuss why this is not in the interest of justice for Black folks. We also discuss the recent firing of Eric Garner’s murder from the NYPD and what is the next step.

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Necessary Blackness Podcast Ep. 12



In the latest episode of Necessary Blackness Podcast Episode 12, Rahiem Shabazz talks about the missing girls crisis happening in Washington, D.C. and the lack of coverage from mainstream media. Shabazz, also gives his opinion on Donald Trump’s intentional interference with contractual relations between the NFL and Colin Kaepernick and why we must support Kaepernick. The situation with Wclef being detained and handcuffed by LAPD is also discussed.

Please be sure to check out our archives on Itunes, Google Play, PodOMatic, Iheart etc. If you’re interested in being featured on our broadcast or having your commercial air, you can email us at Rahiem.Shabazz@Gmail.com

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