Family Sues After 7-Year-Old Gets Handcuffed At School For Crying


Kaylb with his mother, Tomesha Primm

What is taking place in the educational system in America is symbolic to the wrenching condition and racist views of society. For as far back as we can remember, education was used as a weapon of oppression to subjugate Blacks. The racial educational barriers erected by systemic racism, is alive and well today in 2016. So, it does not surprise me to read about a 7-year old being handcuffed at school for merely crying.

Kaylb Wiley Primm, a second grader attends a public school in Kansas City. He is only 7 years old, less than 4 feet tall and weighs less than 50 pounds, but the police officer considered him a threat to his and others safety.


The incident began when a school-based police officer happened to walk by Kaylb’s classroom and hear him crying and disrupting other students, according to a lawsuit filed last week by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of Kaylb’s family. When Kaylb continued to cry and yell in the hallway, against the officer’s requests, the officer put the child in handcuffs and brought him to the main office, where he sat until a parent arrived.

There is a growing movement of concern parents who are opting out of sending their children to the public school system and are deciding to home school. This is one of many solutions that is discussed in the award winning documentary Elementary Genocide. If you haven’t viewed it… Get your copy today.


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