Shackles 2 Solutions Lecture Tour Promo


“The Most Potent and Practical Tour of the Year”Contraband Classified

The Shackles to Solutions National Lecture Tour Is Slated to Hit Various Universities, Churches and Communities Across America. The Tour will Feature Lectures and a Film Screening of the Award Winning documentary “Elementary Genocide” and a Book signing of the Best Selling Literary Piece “How to Build a People’s Army“.



Elementary Genocide: “From Primary to Penitentiary” exposes the socially engineered mechanism created by our government and utilizing the public school system to label elementary aged African American males as work for hire targets within the US penal system. Many refuse to believe there is a corporate attack on the minds and productivity of Black youth through intercepting their educational, economical and social development, and resulting in statistically funneling them through the revolving doors of the criminal justice system. Elementary Genocide confirms this theory and seeks to educate parents, teachers and families, so that we can reclaim our young men and ensure the future of our community.

Executive Producer: Rahiem Shabazz

Featuring: Dr. Umar Johnson, Dr. Boyce Watkins, Killer Mike and More…



How to Build a People’s Army is a guide to successful community organizing on a basic and practical level. Over the years, it seems like the overall art of grassroots organizing has been lost. As the result of a failure of communication between generations, technological weapons of mass distraction and over exasperated grand illusions of capitalism, our future is headed towards a downward spiral. Protocol, discipline, political education, loyalty and respect seem to be absent from today’s liberation struggle. This first edition of How to Build a People s Army is a basic training manual of sorts, filled with jewels that have worked for comrades and myself in an effort to ATM Arm the Masses with proper information. Salute to all the warriors that are working on behalf of our people, without a doubt victory is inevitable.
